Hlíf Sigurjónsdóttir violinist
upcoming events

Freyr, Hlíf, Martin and Þórdís Gerður

Berg Cultural House Dalvík
Skjólbrekka in Mývatnssveit
Mozart's Flute Quartets

Freyr Sigurjóns­son flute, Hlíf Sigurjóns­dóttir violin Martin Frewer viola and Þór­dís Gerð­ur Jóns­dótt­ir cello

Berg Cultural House Dalvík
      Thursday June 27th, 2024 at 8:00 pm
Skjólbrekka Community House in Mývatnssveit
      Friday 28th June 2024 at 8:00 pm

All four of Mozart's Flute Quart­ets. The first three were com­pos­ed 1777−78 while in Mann­heim and the fourth one a dec­ade later. The Mann­heim quart­ets were com­mission­ed by a rich ama­teur play­er, they all count as ex­ampl­es of re­fin­ed chamb­er music con­ceiv­ed for skill­ed ama­teur play­ers and dom­estic con­sumpt­ion. While hardly as com­plex a show­case of Moz­art's com­po­sition­al skills as many of his string quart­ets, all four quart­ets abound­ing in gentle wit and good humour, and writt­en not as mini-con­cert­os for flute and string trio but as chamb­er music for equal partners.

  Husby Church
Organ and Violin Concert

Hlíf Sigurjóns­dóttir violin and Povl Christian Balslev organ

Husby Church − Fyn, Denmark
Thursday, July 25th 2024, at 8:30 pm

Georg Friedrich Händel
Sonata in F major, Op. 1 Nr 12
Adagio • Allegro • Largo • Allegro
Josef Gabriel Rhein­berger
Sechs Stücke für Violine und Orgel, ópus 150
Thema mit Veränderungen • Abendlied • Gigue • Pastorale • Elegie • Ouverture

allemanda • corrende • sarabanda • giga • ciaccona

  Bitter Monk
The Alchemist − premiere
Bitter Monk, Brooklyn
September 2024

Premier of Merrill Clark's new solo violin work The Al­chem­ist, which he dedi­cat­es to the fam­ed cock­tail mast­er and video art­ist Ektoras Bin­ikos who, with his partn­er Simon Jutr­as, runs two ren­own­ed cock­tail bars in New York, Sugar Monk in Harl­em and Bitter Monk in Brook­lyn.
    Bin­ikos likes to mix cocktails inspired by J.S. Bach's music. Music also inspires the video artist in him − see here.