Hlíf Sigur­jóns­dótt­ir was born in Den­mark and grew up in Ice­land, study­ing the violin with con­cert­master Björn Ólafs­son at the Reykja­vík Col­­lege of Music. She furth­ered her stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sit­ies of Indi­ana and Tor­onto where her teach­ers were Franco Gulli and Lorand Fenyves, fol­low­ed by two wint­ers as a stipend­iary at the Banff School of Fine Arts in Canada. Later she took private les­sons in New York from the re­nown­ed vio­lin­ist and teacher Gerald Beal.
    Hlíf has been for­tun­ate over time to work with many of the lead­ing mus­­ic­ians of the twen­tieth century, in­clud­ing Wil­liam Prim­rose, Janos Stark­er, Rucci­ero Ricci, Igor Oist­rach, Gy­örgy Sebok and the memb­ers of the Hung­arian quart­et.
    Hlíf has given num­er­ous con­certs both as a soloist and with various en-sembles and or­chestr­as. In 2014, MRS Classics re­leas­ed her disc DIALOGUS with works for solo violin, all of which were written for her. That disc has been higly ac­claim­ed, e.g. by Voix des Arts, and one of Fan­fare Maga­zine's critics, Maria Nockin, has named it as one of the best CDs of the year 2015. In 2015 MSR Classics re-releas­ed the critic­ally ac­claime­d 2-CD set of her play­ing the Son­at­as and Part­it­as for solo violin by J.S. Bach, first re­leas­ed in 2008.
January 2017

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